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May might sense an emptiness in her life, but she does not miss what she has never had—emotional intimacy. Lihtne hooldatavus ja varuosad on meie tootearendusfilosoofia alustalad. Ette võib filmile heita ka Maksimi totralt disainitud kosmoselaeva ja mõnd otsetsitaati klassikalisest «Blade Runnerist».

Autahvel. Filmiaasta 2017

Psühholoogina, kes on spetsialiseerunud mõlemale paariteraapiale ja lapsepõlve emotsionaalse tähelepanuta jätmise ehk CEN-le, töötan paljude paaridega, kus üks või mõlemad partnerid kasvasid peredes, kes ei pööranud tähelepanu oma liikmete tunnetele.

Laste emotsionaalne tähelepanuta jätmine CEN : juhtub siis, kui vanemad ei reageeri piisavalt lapse emotsionaalsetele vajadustele.

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Kunagi pole mind lakanud hämmastamast, kui palju lapsepõlvekogemused, mis tunduvad olevat tähtsusetud, võivad rippuda lapse täiskasvanuelu kohal, järk-järgult purustades, vähendades ja mõnel juhul lõpuks ka kahjustades nende abielu.

Tõde on see, et kui abiellute kellegagi, kelle emotsioonid on üles rahvaravi liigesed, ignoreerides, siis abiellute kellegagi, kes ignoreerib emotsioone, kindlasti oma, aga tõenäoliselt ka teie oma.

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Kuna igas suhtes on tunded liim, mis hoiab kahte inimest koos, on jõud, mis neid edasi viib, ja tulekahju, mis hoiab kire põlemas, mõjub abielu, kus mõlemad pooled pole täielikult tunnete käes, ebasoodsas olukorras.

Marceli idee oli tulla abielunõustamisele ja May oli seal sisuliselt sunniviisil.

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Kui Marcel valutas oma haiget, pettumust ja abitust, istus May tema hämmeldunud poolnaeratusega näole. May laienev naeratus langes vastu valu tema silmis.

Arvan, et meie abielu on korras. Although they have a good relationship in many ways, emotionally he feels a million miles away from May. May, on the other hand, has a different experience.

Tutvuge Marceli ja maiga (raamatustRunning On Empty No More: Muutke oma suhteid)

Her feelings were not acceptable in her childhood home, and so her emotions are pushed down and away. Unfortunately, the wall that stands between May and her feelings also blocks out Marcel. May might sense an emptiness in her life, but she does not miss what she has never had—emotional intimacy. She is comfortable in the marriage because it recreates the same level of closeness that she had in her childhood. May uses her smile, as well as the shutting-down mechanism we saw her use earlier when Marcel tried to talk with her about his needs in the relationship.

Her smile is one of the tools she learned and used well in her childhood home.

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A smiling child or adult is not of concern to anyone. A smile does not draw attention or ask for anything. She is not consciously choosing either of these methods, of course. They block blade valutab literally wired into her in childhood, and they are all she knows.

An ever-widening gulf will take the partners farther and farther apart.

Nobody gets their needs met. Nobody is challenged to grow. And nobody wins. Warmth, connection, conflict-management skills, and emotion skills are all completely learnable.


The prognosis for couples like Marcel and May is actually excellent. Childhood Emotional Neglect in a relationship can take many different forms. The particular personalities of the two partners have great bearing on the unique quality of their CEN bond.

Do you see yourself in Marcel or May? Either way, there are some clear and manageable things you can block blade valutab to start the repair.

No one chooses to grow up this way, and the emotionally neglected partner is not making a conscious choice to shut the other out. Do your best to stay away from blame, and gear yourselves instead toward taking steps to solve this problem.

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Ask your partner to read this article with you. Decide together whether Childhood Emotional Neglect is at work in your marriage. Make a decision together to avoid blame, and to begin the repair. Together, learn everything you can about CEN.

Start Step 1 in the repair process. The overall solution to this problem is to make feelings a bigger part of your relationship.

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I feel disappointed parast sugisel raske valu olaliigendis our plans fell through. I feel warmly toward you right now.

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I feel excited about the vacation we have planned. I feel hurt by what you just said.