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Detailed knowledge of the ecology of BSF species is highly important for human pressure mitigation. These results can be considered when designing artificial structures for monitoring or biomanipulation purposes in the respective sea area. Study species were the non-indigenous Amphibalanus improvisus and Dreissena polymorpha; and the native Mytilus trossulus.

Rändkarbi toitumise hindamiseks korraldasime Pärnu lahes in situ ja ex situ katseseeriad looduslikest populatsioonidest kogutud isenditega. Tulemused näitasid, et isegi tugevalt eutrofeerunud veekogus sõltus rändkarpide toitumine peamiselt toidu kättesaadavusest. Samuti mõjutasid rändkarbi toitumist vee soolsus ja tuulest põhjustatud setete resuspensioon.


Rannakarpide levikumustrite kirjeldamiseks kasutati olemasolevate arvukuse ja biomassi andmete põhjal Boosted Regressioon Trees masinõpe modelleerimist. Loodud mudelid näitasid, et põhjasubstraat, avatus lainetusele ja soolsus mängivad Eesti meres rannakarpide leviku kujundamises põhirolli. Bioloogilised interaktsioonid põhjataimestikuga mõjutasid rannakarpide biomassi nende elupaiga ulatuses.

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Põhjalikud teadmised liigi keskkonnaeelistustest ja levikumustrist panustavad nende liikide seire korraldamisse ja elupaikade säilitamisse. Rändkarbi ja tõruvähi kinnitumise ning keskkonnatingimuste vaheliste seoste uurimiseks teostati Pärnu lahes katse betoonist tehissubstraatidega. Tulemused näitasid, et loomade kinnitumist määrasid tehissubstraadi pinnaorientatsioon, bioloogilised interaktsioonid rändkarbi ja tõruvähi vahel ja erinevad keskkonnategurid.

Rändkarpi mõjutas kõige rohkem temperatuur, tõruvähki aga avatus lainetusele. Tulemusi saab rakendada keskkonnaseisundi parandamise eesmärkidel, liikide leviku muutuste ennustamisel või võõrliikide seirekavade väljatöötamisel.

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Hõljumtoiduliste põhjaloomade elupaiga hindamiseks kasutati arvukuse ja biomassi olemasolevaid andmeid aastatest Kogutud andmed aitavad kaasa looduskaitseliste tegevuste läbiviimisel ning soodustavad ökosüsteemi probleemide varajast avastamist Distribution, feeding and habitat of benthic suspension feeders in a shallow coastal sea.

Benthic suspension feeders BSF are an important ecological guild in coastal ecosystems, functioning as a natural biological filter and providing habitat and food for other species.

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Human activities are causing rapid changes in coastal ecosystems with a wide range of ecological responses of species and communities. Detailed knowledge of the ecology of BSF species is highly important for human pressure mitigation. After the building is assembled, the side posts of the building are drowned in cement at 1, mm.

This casting forms the necessary solid sidewall for the deep litter bedding. Openings are left in the concrete casting for water troughs and feeders. Mangates and other necessary accessories can also be installed in the casting.

Close Ventilation The summer dryer ventilation solution is based on the same ventilation units that ventilate the building during winter. Damp air exits the building from the slots located at the either end of the building. Close Location of the building In order to maximize the use of solar energy, one side of the building is designed to be located facing the south.

Ideally there would be no obstructions no woodland closer than metres on the southern side to allow as much direct sunlight to reach the building as possible. The frames and posts are joined together with rigid steel connections.

Distribution, feeding and habitat of benthic suspension feeders in a shallow coastal sea

The frame is fixed to the foundation. The superstructure receives all the horizontal load coming from the wind and the roof. The rigidity and stability of the building are guaranteed by vertical steel connections.

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The overhead electric hoist rail acts as a load bearing joist to ensure the stability of the structural framework. The steel framework of the building is protected with C3 class hot dip galvanizing and the steel details in contact with the indoor climate of the building are protected with C5 galvanizing.

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Tile foundation helps to transfer the load of the building to a large surface and this will reduce the deformation of the building. The concrete is flattened and while drying, a reinforcement structure of × mm is pressed into the concrete.

Show full item record Abstract Hõljumtoiduliste põhjaloomade levik, toitumine ja elupaik madalas rannikumeres. Hõljumtoidulised põhjaloomad on tähtis funktsionaalne rühm rannikuökosüsteemides. Käesoleva doktoritöö eesmärk oli uurida, kuidas erinevad abiootilised ja biootilised tegurid ning nende interaktsioonid mõjutavad hõljumtoiduliste põhjaloomade levikut, toitumist ja kooseksisteerimist ning kuidas saab rakendada olemasolevaid andmeid nende kohta looduskaitseks.

Vertical pipes are installed into the floor for the rotating fences used to separate different animal groups. The PC sheets are placed at an angle of 39 degrees on the roof and at an angle of 67 degrees on the walls of the building.


To increase the thermal insulation of the building, it is possible to install additional insulation 1, mm × 1, mm EPS plate in the northern wall by using the special slots between the PC sheets. When used as a cattle housing, TARK LAUT does not require extra heating — the temperature will remain above 0 without additional heating even if the temperature variation indoors and outdoors is up to 20 degrees.

A conveyor-type drier moving along the axis of the building is used to dry the hay. The cut hay is brought into the building with a loader wagon.

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From the floor, it is picked up onto a belt conveyor, where it undergoes a cyclic drying process. This solution can also be used for drying grain if flat-bed dryer is used that blows air through the grain. Depending on the moisture content of the hay, suitable cycle lengths and intervals can be selected for cyclic drying.

Close Modules The building is intended for assembly on the construction site, where 2-meter sections of the steel structure are bolted together using M16 bolts and lifted to the location.

Workshop machinery

The assembled steel modules of the building rest on the concrete foundation and are attached to the foundation with wedge anchors. The side joint details of the modules are supported with special pipes in the foundation these posts are later covered with concrete.

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  • Distribution, feeding and habitat of benthic suspension feeders in a shallow coastal sea

The end walls are constructed last. Prev Prev Next TARK LAUT is an innovative new generation energy efficient thermoregulated concept-solution for cattle housing that makes maximum use of solar energy and creates value for the farm days a year. Sustainable TARK LAUT makes beef cattle farming environmentally more effective through increased productivity — more kilos of beef will be produced for each 1 kg of methane produced by a bovine animal grown in a microclimate with optimal air circulation and temperature.